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Abandoned by Booklikes

Government drone by day and book lover and geek girl by night!

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Five Little Pigs (Hercule Poirot, #24)

Five Little Pigs (Hercule Poirot, #24) - Agatha Christie h to revisit with Mr. Poirot is always a good time for me. I have tried to watch some of the BBC series with David Sutton but I find if I already know whodunit I am not that invested since for me the novels are always so exceptional.

In "Five Little Pigs" M. Poirot is asked to investigate a sixteen year old murder of Amyas Crale. His daughter, Carla Lemarchant is told about her parental origins and finds out that her mother, Caroline Crale protested her innocence to her young daughter in a letter before she was hanged. Carla is worried that her husband will think that she has murderous tendencies unless Poirot determines whether her father was murdered by her mother.

Poirot quickly interviews five people who were on the scene, Philip Blake who was a long-time family friend of Amyas who hated Caroline. Meredith Blake brother to Philip who carried a torch for Caroline. Elsa Greer who now is a three time divorcee but at one time was Amyas Crale's mistress. Cecilia Williams who was the devoted governess and Angela Warren sister to Caroline. These five characters backstory's are what leads to Poirot likening them to the 'five little pigs' from the nursery rhyme.

I can say that though some parts seem overly long it is worth it since it definitely helps the reader understand what led up to the afternoon that Amyas Crale was found dead. I can say I was 100 percent wrong (again) about who the murderer was and I loved the ending.