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Abandoned by Booklikes

Government drone by day and book lover and geek girl by night!

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Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! (2015-) #4

Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! (2015-) #4 - Brittney Williams, Kate Leth I didn't know how much I needed to read something that did not make me want to pull my hair out or scream that's not how things work!

This one was great and can I say right now I am loving the illustrations, the writing, the snark, and the outright hilariousness of Patsy talking about online dating.

Thanks a lot Hellcat for having me have some really bad flashbacks to the time I used Tinder. I swear I saw these two dudes profiles in real life.

We do have a steady march to Patsy confronting a sorceress from Asgard and Hedy who is still profiting from the Patsy Walker comics.

We also get another reappearance from a fan favorite, Howard the Duck!

I honestly did not realize until a few years ago that Howard the Duck had his own comic and was also part of the Marvel universe. All I recall is the movie with him and my parents making me leave the room at one point. It took several years for me to realize it was because his character and Lea Thompson's character were about to knock feathers

I apologize for the pun, I will see myself out.

So from beginning to end this was a great issue and I can't wait to see what the next one has going on. It looks like we are finally going to get a showdown between Patsy and Hedy (I know who I am betting on) and we get to see some more She-Hulk.