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Hidden Summit (Virgin River, #17)

Hidden Summit (Virgin River, #17) - Robyn Carr Please note that I gave this book 2.5 stars and rounded it up to 3 stars.

Ack. I don’t know what to say. This was kind of the beginning of the end of my love for this series. This book had a really ludicrous plot and the resolution to it was kind of laughable to me. I did love the female lead, but the male lead, no, not even a little bit at all.

Leslie Petruso moves to Virgin River to get away from her ex-husband and his new wife. She knows Paul Haggerty due to her working for his father, and she ends up going to work for Paul as his office administrator in Virgin River. The many reasons why I loved Leslie, because she goes after her ex twice in this book, and both times had me howling with laughter. I have had that whole let’s be friends after being dumped by a guy before. I wish I had went after him with a fire extinguisher. I also adored Leslie’s older parents who are still out there doing what they can to enjoy their lives. Leslie’s mom’s comments about her ex had me laughing too. Honestly anything just dealing with Leslie, her family, and ex worked. I did have a bit of a problem with Leslie in the end pitying her ex, he was and is an ass.

Conner Danson…boy oh boy nope. I don’t want to spoil for potential readers, but I have no idea why this was in a romance book. For a minute I thought I was reading about a Lifetime movie that I could have sworn had the same plot. And Conner and his comments about women to himself…ugh. I just didn’t like the guy at all. He has a tie to another Virgin River character (Brie) and I hated their scenes together. He acted like an ass and I wanted Brie to kick the crap out of the guy. I also hated that most of the story deals with Conner lying to Leslie, but she gets over it in like two sentences.

We are introduced to Conner’s sister Katie who will be the star of the next book and also we get a lot of looks at previous characters from the series.

I don’t have much to say unless I spoil the book, but Conner’s whole story-line was the main reason why I just gave this 2.5 stars.