Please don't read if you have not read the first book in this series since spoilers from that book are below.
Well I definitely liked this one more than the first book in the series. There is one plot hole that didn't make a lot of sense to me, but other than that I really liked how this book worked from beginning to end. It also was short, but the flow worked a lot more in this one, so I didn't notice the length of the book until I got to the end.
Patrick and Angie take a case looking into protecting the son of a psychiatrist. The woman believes her son's life is being threatened because she had a patient who was dating a local guy with connections to the mob. Once she broke things off, she claims the man became violent and threatened her. When a girl they grew up with winds up died (crucified) Patrick and Angie start to put the pieces together and realize that their first case and this recent death are connected.
Once again told in the first person, we have Patrick in a happy relationship with a woman and her young daughter. It feels a bit weird at first considering the fact that readers know how Patrick feels about Angie. Instead this is glossed over here and there with both of them (Patrick and Angie) being weird about it. Other than that I can honestly say that you can see in this one how smart Patrick is. He follows leads and puts things together. I really did like it when the light dawned so to speak.
Angie once again is just a mystery. Having only just Patrick's point of view really does hamper these books because we only can "read" his thoughts on her and what she's feeling or we have the character telling Patrick what she's feeling. When I realized the connection between Patrick and someone close to Angie I pretty much rolled my eyes. Seriously. It didn't make a lot of sense and I don't know why it wasn't brought up in the first book at all.
We get some reappearances from other characters from the first book, Devin and Oscar and also Angie's ex-husband Phil. I really didn't give two craps about the latter character and his total 180 was just weird. There's forgiveness and than just setting yourself up for crap in the future. Once again this could have been fixed if we had gotten Angie's point of view. I hated characters discussing her instead of me as a reader getting to read about how she felt.
The character of Patrick's girlfriend actually gave him depth. I liked her and wish that we got more interaction between her and Patrick. I also wanted to shake Patrick because I still don't think that he got what he did was wrong regarding keeping her in the dark.
Reading about how Patrick and Angie's investigation tied into their former friend's death was great. I couldn't believe it when you get to how everything was connected. The flow in this one was pretty good. Though I have to say that once again Patrick running from scene to scene after a while made me laugh. When does he eat and sleep?
The ending was really good in this one and left a lot of questions open about what's next for Patrick and Angie.