So sometimes you get a chance to read a romance novel that not only gives you the feels (lots of aww moments) but also has a really good moving plot that keeps you engaged the whole way through. Except for a couple of tone deaf moments that didn't work for me. I loved mostly everything about this book.
Thirty one year old Issy Randall has a job that she doesn't love, but pays the bills while she gets to indulge in her baking. After getting fired (by her boyfriend of all people) she finally gets the nerve to try to see about setting up her own cupcake shop right near where she lives.
Issy is a frustrating character at times. For me it was because, she owns her own home that she shares with her college friend Helena, has a lot going for her, but still second guesses through almost the entire book. I was not here for her thinking her life was over if she didn't have a boyfriend/fiancee and acting butt hurt over her friends happiness. It made me dislike her character every time moments like that was included. The saving grace was that Issy knew she was being ridiculous and kind of a jerk when she had thoughts like that.
Issy's best friend Helena I wish we had gotten more moments from. She was fierce with a capital F. We also had the characters of Pearl and Caroline who I really didn't know what to think of long term. Pearl and her antics with her on again and off again boyfriend her baby father) drove me nuts. Caroline seemed to be there merely to complain about how she could no longer afford super expensive things. Both of them worked my nerves here and there, but not enough to ruin my overall enjoyment of the book.
I have to say, that I love books that incorporate recipes into the book. Everything that Jenny Colgan included recipe wise sounded absolutely wonderful. When I get a free weekend, I plan on trying a couple of the recipes out. The writing was overly descriptive, but I loved it. I love books that expand more on what the characters are seeing and feeling.
The setting of London or more specifically the neighborhood where this takes place I don't know if exists, but felt so real to me. I loved everything that Colgan included about this area, and I really loved how she made the neighborhood come alive.
I loved the ending, it was nice to see that Issy just decided to go for things and not second guess herself anymore. The romance angle was a nice to have, but was not a must have for me.