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Keep Calm and Carry a Big Drink

Keep Calm and Carry a Big Drink - Kim Gruenenfelder Unlike with the previous novel this sequel to "There's Cake in my Future" focuses on Mel. For those that read "There's Cake in my Future" know that it ended with Seema preparing for her bridal shower with Nic pregnant with her first child and Mel in a new relationship.

We start this novel in medias res on Seema's wedding day and we have Mel then flash-backing to a week prior to the wedding and then the novel catches up so to speak to the present. I honestly don't think we should have started the novel on Seema's wedding day but maybe some place further along in Mel's future (trying not to get too spoilery here) especially since there were so many events that could have been used instead of this one. I do think Ms. Gruenenfelder may want to re-think doing this in her novels unless it really adds something to it by starting off mid-story and working back.

Other than that I have to say I really did love this novel. It was nice to see all of the 'girls' again and I adore the friendship between Seema, NIc, and Mel. It reminds me of my two best friends who always have my back as well. Also it was great to see Mel struggling with what she wanted to do with her life and realizing though it was scary she needed to make some changes. We get to follow Mel along to Paris and then to Hawaii which Ms. Gruenenfelder has been to or read enough about to make me feel as if I were in those places along with Mel. I also give kudos for the decision to have Mel be the main protagonist in this novel. I did like the prior novel and having an opportunity to be in all of the girls' heads but I realize that since both Nic and Seema had their happily ever afters it made more sense to have this one just be about Mel. Ms. Gruenenfelder often writes the most funny scenes I have ever read and she does so again here repeatedly.

I really hopes she revisits her main character Charlie from her novels "A Total Waste of Makeup" and "Misery Loves Cabernet" again some day since she showcased an excellent female friendship in that one as well.

I 100 percent recommend this novel!