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Abandoned by Booklikes

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One, Two, Buckle My Shoe (Hercule Poirot, #22)

One, Two, Buckle My Shoe (Hercule Poirot, #22) - Agatha Christie So this book is Poirot heavy. After reading the previous books which were pretty light on Poirot, I thought this would be a welcome change. Too bad it wasn't. To this day The Murder of Roger Ackroyd and Murder on the Orient Express are the smartest Poirot books. I have not read one this year I think that tops those two books.

This entire book was just painful to get through. The big problem is that when Christie immerses readers into Poirot's thought process you get bored. You read about him struggling, about something is eluding his memory, he gets tripped up here and there. I liked to be wowed in books like this. I want to feel as if the main character is smarter than the criminals. We literally in book timeline have to wait about 2-3 months i think for Poirot to realize what is going on and why. It was maddening.

Additionally, though I was not able to figure out who did it in this one, I remember feeling when the murderer is identified and the reason behind the murders, that it was a dumb reason to murder the people involved with this case. And what galled me was that Poirot and others in there own way were seeing things on this person's side. I booed the whole book at that point.