After penning the hilarious and at times tears inducing due to laughter novel, S*** My Dad Says, Justin Halpern is back again with his memoir going through his dating/sexual history prior to meeting the woman who is now his wife.
Instead of like in "S*** My Dad Says" we don't get just quick vignettes of incidents that caused Mr. Halpern's father to repeat some totally off color remark. Now we have full fledged chapters dealing with Justin's confusion about the opposite sex and hilarious re-telling of his dating life (it was sad).
I have to say my favorite chapter had to be Mr. Halpern's tale of his prom and his prom date. The way he uses words to describe the girl and them drinking in silence and her silent rage was awesome.
I would say that I wish we got more details on Justin's brothers' and his mother. Sometimes they seem to be total non-entities in some of the stories due to his focus still being somewhat on his relationship with his father and repeating funny things his dad has said to the reader.
I have to say that if you are offended by language, sexual situations you may want to skip this book. If you are fine with that, prepare to enjoy!