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Until You're Mine

Until You're Mine - Samantha Hayes This is my first time reading Samantha Hayes and I have to say that I really did enjoy "Until You're Mine." This book had a surprising ending though parts of the book did drag in places.

This novel is told in three perspectives. The first perspective we have is Claudia. Claudia is a stepmother to twins and a social worker who has a long history of miscarriages and still-births. Claudia is finally pregnant and is happy that she is about to become a mother in just a few weeks. The second perspective is told by Zoe that is a nanny that Claudia has interviewed to hire as a live in nanny to help with the twins and her soon to be born baby since her husband (Claudia's) is a naval captain away at sea. The third perspective is told by Detective Inspector Lorraine Fisher. Lorraine is investigating a series of crimes against pregnant women.

My major issue is with the fact that Claudia and Zoe's stories are told in the first person. However, Lorraine's story is told in the third person.

Additionally, sometimes the tenses changed in the novel which was maddening to me since I would have to re-start my reading at times to make sure I was checked in to what was going on.

Finally, I have to say that Lorraine's entire story-line really didn't add anything for me. I think it was because Lorraine had a lot of stuff going on in her story-line it made it harder to jump back and forth into Claudia and Zoe's story-lines.

The ending was a surprise and I did find myself re-reading the entire book since I was able to pick up on more clues that were in the book that I didn't recognize upon my first read through.

Please note that I received this novel for free via the Amazon Vine Program.