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Abandoned by Booklikes

Government drone by day and book lover and geek girl by night!

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This Time Next Year
Sophie Cousens
An Extraordinary Union
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A Princess in Theory: Reluctant Royals
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Burn for Me
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After I'm Gone
Laura Lippman
The Black Angel
John Connolly
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Starcrossed - Josephine Angelini The novel takes place on Nantucket Island, Massachusetts. A teenaged girl named Helen Hamilton who is unusually tall does her best to hide at school and in public. She feels like part of her is some monster and never understands why some people stop and stare at her.

The whole island is turned upside down by the arrival of the Delos family from Spain. Helen doesn't know why but even hearing the name "Delos" makes her irritated. She starts hearing vague whispers and keeps seeing the image of three women calling out to her. When Helen lays eyes on Lucas Delos all she feels is rage and the urge to kill him. Through a slow reveal Helen begins to realize why she finds herself drawn and repelled by Lucas.

I really don't want to spoil any potential readers but I loved the reveal by the author about who Helen really is and how she fits in with the Delos family. The author working in Greek mythology along the way and also twisting some of the stories that many readers know very well to fit into her world building really works.

Additionally, the love story portrayed in this novel is very poignant and I can honestly I seriously swore when I got to the end of the novel since I was left worrying about what becomes of Helen and Lucas. This also caused me to run right out and buy the next novel in the series, Dreamless Awakening.

I definitely recommend to other first-time readers!