I have read previous Stacey Ballis novels and though I may have liked or almost loved some of them I have never out and out loved one before. This novel touched so many things with me that I read it all over again when I finished it.
This novel focuses on Jenna who is still adjusting to losing her best friend and business partner Aimee. Aimee was Jenna's rock and without her around to tell her what to do she feels herself floundering. However, it seems that Aimee has one last to do for Jenna which is to manage the finances for her friend's widowed husband Wayne. Jenna is prepared to do anything but that since she never understood what Aimee saw in Wayne. With Jenna also starting a new relationship with someone that she keeps thinking is out of her league.
What I really liked about this novel is that you have Jenna struggling to come to grips with the loss of her best friend and trying to do her best to not let Wayne see how much she dislikes him. There were several laugh out loud moments for me. The best things were when Jenna would have the "Aimee voice" telling her the truth no hold barred. I know that when I lost my mother for several years afterwards I would automatically start thinking about what would she say if she could see me doing this or would she be ready to kick me in the butt for going out with another loser.
I have no criticisms of this novel except a very minor one which is that I wish that we had Jenna being more gracious with her parents. I never got why Jenna was so bent out of shape with her mother and father actually wanting to know what was going on with her or trying to check in to see how she was dealing with the loss of Aimee. I really wish we as readers had gotten more backstory there or at least Jenna's acknowledgement she was being irrational in some way.
There was also a new surprise of us seeing a couple from her previous novel, "Off the Menu" make an appearance which I loved.
I would definitely recommend this novel!