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Abandoned by Booklikes

Government drone by day and book lover and geek girl by night!

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The Last Chance Christmas Ball

The Last Chance Christmas Ball - Nicola Cornick, Joanna Bourne, Mary Jo Putney, Jo Beverley, Patricia Rice I can usually power through an anthology, but stopped reading this at 25 percent. The first story was boring beyond belief and then I skipped around and realized that none of the other stories looked interesting either. It didn't help that I had to keep going back to the intro in the book to look up people that were appearing in the other stories. I tried really hard to get into them, but just said forget it, and moved on at 25 percent.

The only thing I thought was a smart idea is that all of the stories are occurring at an annual Christmas ball being thrown by at a character's home in this one. So technically the stories should all be connected, but I think the first one wasn't that interesting that it just didn't bode well for the other stories.

The only story I started and finished was My True Love Hath My Heart by Joanna Bourne. Sorry, but this was tedious. The two main characters are Claire and Nick. Sorry, but not rooting for people stealing. The whole storyline is that Claire and Nick are on the outs because of reasons and then Nick shows up to this ball/house party because he knows Claire will be there to steal a necklace. The backstory into this two barely hangs together and the dialogue was tedious.

I did start A Scottish Carol by Susan King but just gave up partially through the story.