Government drone by day and book lover and geek girl by night!
I managed to read and finish two books (Anansi Boys and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep) and started a third book (Blood Shot).
This time I was much easier on myself. I did not sit and force myself to read several books. I went hiking, grabbed lunch, cleaned the house, and then just had a laid back Saturday night.
I ended up reading for 11 hours in total. Not my best time, but this time I really wanted to focus more on reading when I wanted to and not turning it into some kind of chore.
I ended up being so busy yesterday I just didn't have time to post or even do reviews. I took at 5.58 mile hike yesterday at Burke Lake, Virginia and was enjoying the day so much that when I got home right before 3 pm. I took a quick power nap and then woke up to meet two friends for dinner in Arlington.
Hope everyone had a great weekend and Readathon!