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Read This Book if You Hate Yourself

Solitude Creek (Kathryn Dance) - Jeffery Deaver

Once again, if not for Booklikes-opoly I would have DNFed this thing. I wanted the page count though so I put up with it. FYI, this book is awful. 


I gave this book half a star since it doesn't even deserve a full star. The entire book from start to finish was nonsensical and just insulting to anyone that has been reading this series. I honestly am  baffled at how Deaver writes Kathryn Dance since he manages to write Amelia Sachs (The Lincoln Rhyme series) as a well developed character. Dance is written so terribly in this book, one wonders how the heck she even has a job. I also don't get why she has one man, let alone two wanting to be with her. You never get to see what is so great about her.


Dance is busted down in this one due to the fact that due to her reading a suspect wrong, he manages to get away. That segues over into Dance being asked to go over the insurance/documentation at at place called Solitude Creek. There was a recent incident at Solitude Creek that left several people injured and dead. That doesn't really matter though, the big issue is that Dance is not supposed to be investigating due to her new status, but does so anyway and you keep reading Dance having asides to herself about the fact she's not supposed to be investigating. When Dance's colleague Michael O'Neill is called in to help, she feels annoyed because she doesn't get why he's mad at her (probably because she's not supposed to be investigating a thing and is also not carrying a gun and that could lead to other people being hurt).


Between Dance trying to force herself back into the investigation that has a suspect on the run and trying to figure out what is going on at Solitude Creek the book already felt full. But nope, Deaver throws in some issues with Dance's two kids who still read like robots come to life. Then there's the question of Dance and her relationship with her boyfriend that she has been seeing for maybe a year book timeline wise. 


The POVs were Dance, the bad guy in this one and then for some odd reason we go into a POV of a friend of Dance's as well as Dance's boyfriend. At that point I wanted to scream that just because the guy works with computers does not mean that he speaks to himself in freaking programming language.


And what's sad is that the most important part about Dance's character, ie her skills with kinesiology are not displayed at all. For some weird reason Deaver does some freaking cut aways and then you have other character remark at how awesome Dance was and how she was able to get information from a witness/suspect. Um are you serious? Why in the world wouldn't you show that?


The writing was really poor as was the flow. Deaver tries to throw some red herrings in here and there and I was actively rooting for her or her kids to end up dead in this one since that meant the series may be coming to a close. That's not a good thing to admit, but I was just sick of reading about Dance and her whole family by the time the final page was turned. 


The ending was a joke and a half. We had someone propose to Dance (whatever man) and someone else saying goodbye to her romantically. 


April 15: $20
April 17: $23. I read "The Wangs Vs the World", electronic pages 368.
April 24: $28. I read "Dream Wedding", electronic pages 512.
April 25: $28. Landed on BL and had to post a vacation photo or tell a story about a vacation.
April 29: $31. Read "Whitethorn Woods", 354 pages Kindle edition, $3.00
April 29: $34. Read "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep", 256 pages;$3.00.
May 4:   $37. Read "The Ghost Brigades" Paperback, 346 pages; $3.00
May 8:   $42. Read "American Gods" Hardcover, 465 pages; $5.00.
May 8:   $45. Read "Moon Called" 298 pages Kindle edition; $3.00.

May 13: $50. Read "Solitude Creek" 434 pages electronic; $5.00.