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Abandoned by Booklikes

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Really Good Nora Roberts Book

Angels Fall - Nora Roberts

I thought that "Angels Fall" was really good. This is the Nora Roberts I have missed for a while. A really great heroine (Reece) and hero (Brody). A mystery to be solved. And gorgeous descriptions of the location and food that everyone was eating.


Reece Gilmore is recovering from a tragedy that had her running from Boston to bumming around the U.S. Right now she has arrived at Angel's Fist in Wyoming. Before her tragedy she was an up and coming chef. Answering a help wanted sign at the local diner in Angel's Fist, Reece wonders if she can stay here for a while and get start to feel a bit normal again. 

Reece meets a cast of characters that I ended up enjoying. Her peace is disturbed though when she is out on a hike and witnesses a man strangling a woman to death. When Reece goes to investigate, there's no body, and man wonder if Reece's past is causing her to hallucinate. 


I think the big reason why I liked this book so much is that you get to see Reece becoming more sure of herself over time. She develops feelings for Brody and she for him. And you get to see his reluctance to being in a relationship change over time as he starts to care more for Reece. Plus the pair do a bit of sleuthing in order to figure out who the mystery woman was that Reece saw that was murdered.


I did love the writing as it related to Angel's Fist and the meals that Reece cooked. I think some people may find it overly long, but honestly, I needed a long book to read while flying this past week so I am glad that it was a long book.


I thought the ending was really good and I honestly didn't see the bad guy coming. I thought that Roberts did a great job of not letting us catch on until Reece realized who it was that was the murderer.