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Abandoned by Booklikes

Government drone by day and book lover and geek girl by night!

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This Time Next Year
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An Extraordinary Union
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A Princess in Theory: Reluctant Royals
Alyssa Cole
Burn for Me
Ilona Andrews
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After I'm Gone
Laura Lippman
The Black Angel
John Connolly
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Kind of Boring

Don't Hex with Texas - Shanna Swendson

I really think this book would have worked out better if we got to focus more on Katie's family's background. We find out in this one that some of the people in Katie's family are immunes and some are able to use magic. I thought that was exciting. But once again it turns into a boring magical fight with Katie not staying out of the way that could have caused everyone to lose again. At this point if Katie doesn't learn some martial arts or something, I want her to say far and far away from fights.


And this is a criticism of the series as a whole. For short books (and they are short) the author needs to be more focused. This book had like 5 plots going on. A plot was Katie realizing that someone in her hometown was using magic to steal. Well she calls Sam at MSI, Inc. and the next thing you know Owen arrives. Of course there is angst. But then we have another plot of Katie's brother being an ass to Owen, Katie's family wanting her to be with Owen, Katie being scared to go back to New York since she knows that Owen cares about her and she's a liability, and oh there's someone providing classes to magical users, and there are bad wizards afoot trying to take out Owen. I don't know there was a lot going on that didn't make a lot of sense.


In this one we finally get bad guy #1 taken care of, but of course there's a bigger bad guy out there that we deal with in the next book.