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Abandoned by Booklikes

Government drone by day and book lover and geek girl by night!

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Never Been So Happy to Quit a Series Before

No Quest For The Wicked - Shanna Swendson

Yeah this one was bad. I decided after this book to just stop the series. The repetitiveness and the utter stupidity of the main character just got on my last nerves. The last book was fairly short and this one was longer, but honestly the author could have cut out a lot of scenes and I would have been okay with that.


in "No Quest for the Wicked" we have Owen getting used a world in which he no longer has magic. Katie is bored just working in sales now as an immune. When Owen and Katie are given a task to find two magical objects (one that Merlin created) that can lead to someone ruling the world, they agree to take it on. They have the usual cast of characters (Sam, Katie's Grandma, Rod) and some new ones. We also have the unwelcome appearance of Katie's former boss in this one too.


I don't know what to say. I just realized that when Swendson threw in another group of evil magical users that I was out. I just don't care anymore about what happens to Katie or Owen. This book dragged. I seriously wanted to know at one point why the heck didn't Katie or Owen just take a damn magic carpet back to the MSI Inc., building and hide out until they got the magical box that could contain the magical objects. But that was me having common sense. We just follow this group and others as they run around New York trying to avoid people who are trying to steal the objects from them.


And this book ends with another twist that made me roll my eyes.