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Abandoned by Booklikes

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An Okay Cozy Mystery

Trouble in Mudbug - Jana Deleon

This was just an okay cozy mystery. I had a hard time following the plot and didn't think the writing was all that great. I at least got it as a freebie though. I don't have any intention of continuing with the series.


The first part of this book started off promising. We have Maryse Robicheaux going to her mother in law's funeral. Trouble is that Maryse is two years estranged from her husband and doing her best to serve him with divorce papers. She's hoping he will show up so she can finally be rid of him. Problem is that while she's waiting for the funeral service, the ghost of her mother in law pops up. This of course leads Maryse to wondering if she's losing it. When she's shown not to be, she is forced to figure out who murdered her mother in law and while. If that's not enough due to her mother in law's will leaving her a highly valued property, someone appears to be gunning for her too. 


Maryse works for the state and is doing her best to come up with a cure for cancer based on the plants she finds around the bayou. When she goes to work and finds Luc LeJeune (Native American and I think Creole) at her office telling her that he is there to work and they will need to share a space. Of course romance between the two is given, though I have to say that I was not that impressed by Luc as a love interest. He was a bit too He-Man for me.


I honestly fell asleep twice reading this. I think that the book just dragged way too much. The dialogue was also pretty stilted. I laughed a few times when there were any scenes between Maryse and her mother in law Helena though. Helena gets some awareness after she's dead which just makes you sad she didn't get it beforehand. 


The book ultimately doesn't solve who murdered Helena which means there's another book (or based on what I saw on Goodreads, 5 more books). 


I won't be continuing this series though. I usually like to read series books, but this one was a bit of a chore for me.