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Abandoned by Booklikes

Government drone by day and book lover and geek girl by night!

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Bored Senseless

Sons - Pearl S. Buck

I don't know what else to say here besides things happened to people and I wanted to take a nap. Also for those who download this via Kindle, never fear, book #2 is not as long as you think. I got to 60 percent and book #2 was done. The remaining 40 percent was a preview (a really long one) of the final third book in this series. 


I really wish I had DNFed this book. I am going to start reclaiming my time and just kicking a book immediately after I am not feeling it. I honestly have not wanted to read a thing since some of the books on my currently reading list have not moved me at all. Hoping that I get in a better mindset later and can just finish some more books soon.


"Sons" the second book in the House of Earth series follows the sons of Wang Lung, called Wang Lung the Landlord, Wang Lung the Merchant and Wang the Tiger. The book focuses mostly on Wang the Tiger with Buck popping up now and again into the eldest and second's son's businesses with some minor appearances by Pearl Blossom. 


I didn't get a good grasp on any character in this second book. Unlike with the first book, the women in this one are paper thin instead of being realized as their own characters. Wang the Tiger's first wife may have been interesting to follow, but Buck quickly dispatches with her with the quickness. 


This second book is like night and day from the first book. All of the characters were underdeveloped and the writing was not good. I would say that this book is 100 percent filler since I think that Buck wants to focus on what happens to this family in book #3. I also wish that Buck had stuck a time period in this series since I can't tell where we are in China's history.