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Abandoned by Booklikes

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Fun Cozy!

Better Off Wed (Annabelle Archer Wedding Planner Mystery Book 1) - Laura Durham, Laura Durham

Since I am pressed for time just going to say that I really enjoyed the first book in this series. It was everything you want a cozy mystery to be. Not gory, funny, and a cast of memorable characters.


The main character is Annabelle Archer, wedding planner. When a demanding mother of the bride ends up murdered on the wedding day (can you imagine) Annabelle starts snooping though everyone tells her to give it up. 


Things I loved:

I loved that this took place in Washington D.C. Apparently the author has visited or lived in and around D.C. She actually describes Georgetown, the Key Bridge, and Chevy Chase in accurate terms. I always get a kick out of books that take place in a city I commute to every day.


Annabelle and her sidekicks (her employee Kate and her friend and caterer Richard) are hilarious. Plus all of the food Richard was supposedly making sounded delicious. Too bad no recipes though.


Annabelle being a terrible at times amateur sleuth cracked me up. She definitely has a couple of memorable run-ins with clients and a photographer.

The book was short enough that you didn't feel like it went on overly long. The writing was concise and the flow was okay throughout.

Things I didn't love:

Eh to the detective. I know that all cozy's must have a love interest (so it is written) but the detective was a big snooze to me.

The next door neighbor was aggravating and not in a cute way. In a, too bad she didn't end up maimed way to me.


There is no real why for why Annabelle starts investigating. In most cozy mysteries the first book (so it is written) the main character always is seen as a suspect. The synopsis says that Annabelle's friend Richard is considered one. However, he really isn't and I forget at what percent when the police arrest someone else.