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Abandoned by Booklikes

Government drone by day and book lover and geek girl by night!

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Faithful Place - Tana French
Fantastic from beginning to end. I couldn't even finish the second book (sorry whole plot was unbelievable) but this one was fantastic. Tana French has her third book focusing on Frank (Francis) Mackey. 

Mackey still carries some pain due to his first love leaving him behind to head to England. Mackey still leaves his family behind with o contact except for random visits from his youngest sister in 20 years. When Mackey is called home he finds out that maybe his first love Rosie never left him behind and someone is still there who will kill to keep things hidden forever. 

Mackey's ability to read people is great in this. Being an undercover allows him to put on personas. But in this case Mackey uses words and some times even the threat of violence to get to the truth. Mackey feels vulnerable still from Rose leaving him and you can see how it affected his first marriage. 

We get a look at Mackey's messy family and you will feel sympathy on why he left and never looked back as well as some sympathy towards his family. Since Mackey is seen on the other side of things from Faithful Place due to his job, you see how he wants to be free of the place, but also not rejected. 
I also read this for the Mostly Dead Writers Society 52 week challenge: Two Word Title.

I loved all the characters we get to look at. French does a good job ensuring that you can see all sides to some seriously gray situations. And the author manages to make Rosie come alive and someone you care about. 

The writing was great and French does a great job showing past and present scenes. The flow was great. I held my breath the last couple of chapters.

It seems in the end Mackey may be forever exiled from Faithful Place, but something good may come from it.
 I read this for Mostly Dead Writers Society 52 Weeks Challenge: Two Word title.