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Abandoned by Booklikes

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This First Book Was Awful

First Grave on the Right - Darynda Jones

This book was awful. I can't even with it. The writing wasn't great. The main character Charley is just painful. The other characters were painful. There were too many things happening and at the end we get a ridiculous reveal about someone that Charley has become obsessed with.


You would think a story about the Grim Reaper would be exciting. You would be wrong. 


Charley Davidson is a Grim Reaper. She can see dead people (sorry had to do it). Working with her father and uncle they have a private investigations business. Charley and her family are looking into three people who were murdered and at the same time Charley is having dreams of someone named Reyes who she feels connected to. 


Charley is a mess. She's obsessed with a teen boy she saw years ago named Reyes. She has a terrible relationship with her stepmother and stepsister. Her father seems oblivious to their bad relationship. The only bright spot is her friendship with Cookie so she does have someone in her corner.


The secondary characters are not great though. I didn't like the stepmother or stepsister. Reyes is garbage. There's a character named Garrett that sucked. The three dead people were cool as was Charley's dead assistant Angel. Honestly if the Reyes stuff had been cut this book would have worked better. 


The writing was awful. The flow was awful. There was just information dumps all over the place. We get a scene where Charley is threatened by rape with her supposed love interest, and then he attempts to do so, while her sister is standing there. Yeah. And she still is obsessed with him through the whole book and I could not see it.


The world building was a mess. I can't even follow what was happening half the time because even though Charley was supposed to be investigating three murdersm she gets obsessed with Reyes and the whole book just flails.


The ending was a mess. I'm not going to read another book in this series. Way too many things for me to overlook. 


I was also told Reyes is in all the books in this series and nah. I mean I wasn't going to read this series anyway, but I'm over romance novels where the hero acts like this and the heroine swoons.