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Something About You FBI/US Attorney #1

Something About You (FBI / US Attorney, #1) - Julie James

Wow. The first book in the FBI/US Attorney series by Julie James was very hot. It also had a plot I could sink my teeth into. Too bad that books #2 and #3 didn't live up to the hype for me.


"Something About You" has a smart and dedicated US Attorney (Cameron Lynde) and a dedicated FBI agent (Jack Pallas) that had a run in years ago that left things bitter between them. When Cameron ends up getting a hotel room next door to a murder, she is pulled into an FBI investigation. 


I really loved the characters of Cameron and Jack. You can see both sides to the story, but James manages to make you root for them to get it together already since you can see the chemistry between them. I also have to say that it was great to see two characters be competent at their jobs and not deny they are ambitious.


Their jobs/co-workers are just as important to this book and James manages to make them come alive (I seriously fell in love/like with the of Sam Wilkins). Cameron's two best friends are in it, but really it's her best friend Colin that is more present in this one. Her other best friend is in the process of getting married and only seems to be around to be a bit of a bridezilla. 


We do get little dribbles here and there before we get the full story of how Cameron and Jack who worked together years ago had a falling out, and it was definitely worth it. I also have to applaud James for not having Cameron keep things a secret from Jack for too long. I hate that in romance novels when the hero and heroine are kept apart because they decide to not tell each other the truth. Once the truth comes out, they definitely can't deny how attracted to each other they are anymore and then we get some red hot love scenes (5 stars for that alone). 


The dialogue was great and I cracked up a lot while reading this one. Very good flow. 


The setting of Chicago is always interesting to read about. James did a good job of incorporating the city into her book.