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311 Pelican Court (Cedar Cove 3)

311 Pelican Court - Debbie Macomber

This whole book reads like a manifesto against marriage at one point (Zach and Rosie). We also have Grace Sherman doing something stupid that causes her relationship with Cliff to be in jeopardy. Olivia is still hemming all over Jack, but at least that gets resolved along with Maryellen and Jon. This book doesn't do enough of a good job in my opinion to switch my interest over for the next couple in book #4, "44 Cranberry Point."


"311 Pelican Court" has Olivia come down with another intriguing sentence. She allows Zach and Rosie Cox to get a divorce, but tells them that the kids now own it so they don't have to constantly be moving back and forth between homes. Of course this causes further fights and these two are just the worst after a while. Sorry, Macomber does not have me rooting for these two. Things get wrapped up way too easily in the end.


Olivia kind of annoyed me in this one. She knows her ex wants her back and now she's acting as if she doesn't know what to do. Jack had a lot more patience with the situation than I would have.

Grace and her whole story-line was disappointing. No spoilers, but it won't thrill you.

And now here is the beginning of my Maryellen dislike. I hated the later stories starring her and Jon because I initially disliked how they got together with Maryellen telling a huge lie to Jon. The later books are a doozy though and I wanted to shake her since she acts like forgiveness is just something that should be given out with a side of pancakes.


This one felt overly long. I struggled to get through it. Probably because most of the story was taken up with Rosie and Zach bickering and then their teen daughter acting like a jerk as well.

We get an appearance of Cecilia in this one "16 Lighthouse Road." so that was nice. 

The writing was okay, I just had a hard time with how some of the characters were depicted. It felt a little bit like they all lost their minds.


Things come to a end with a thunk. We do get some happily ever afters, they just don't feel earned I guess.