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Abandoned by Booklikes

Government drone by day and book lover and geek girl by night!

Currently reading

This Time Next Year
Sophie Cousens
An Extraordinary Union
Alyssa Cole
A Princess in Theory: Reluctant Royals
Alyssa Cole
Burn for Me
Ilona Andrews
John Connolly
After I'm Gone
Laura Lippman
The Black Angel
John Connolly
The Ballad of Black Tom
Victor LaValle
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Task 1:  Make two “prophesies” you think will come to fruition in 2019 in your personal or reading life.


1. I will read something that will make me rage and cause me to have updates with a lot of gifs. 


2. I will read On the Come Up by Angie Thomas and be moved to tears. 


Task 2: The Five Pillars of Islam include almsgiving and the pilgrimage to Mekka. Tell us: Have you ever donated books or rescued them from (horror of horrors) being trashed? Alternatively: Is there a book-related place that is a place of pilgrimage to you?


I just recently did a huge library donation due to my renovation. I ended up going through every book I had and realizing I had a lot of books that I would never re-read and also some that I had sitting there for years that I had not gotten around to. I dropped them off and tried not to laugh at some people trying to be nosy in the library donation drop off area. You are not allowed to take books out of there, but I could see some people thinking about it. Makes me happy that my books find another home at the library so other readers can enjoy them. 


Task 3: Prophets are messengers. Tell us: Which book characters are your favorite messengers (no matter whether humans, angels, (demi)gods, etc.)?


I am going to have to go with Mother Abigail in The Stand by Stephen King. I don't know why, I am just always moved to tears by imagining this scene. 


She states that God wants the four men left on the committee to go west "this very day, and in the clothes you stand up in." They are to carry neither food nor water, and are to travel on foot.

One of them will "fall by the way" though Abagail does not know which; the surviving three will be brought before Flagg.

She cannot guarantee their survival or their victory, only that it is God's will that these things be done. At sunrise, just as she predicted, Abagail dies.

 Image result for the stand miniseries gif


Task 4: Muhammad was a merchant before becoming a religious leader. List 5 books on your shelves in which a key character makes / undergoes a radical career change.


1. A Week in Winter by Maeve Binchy-the main character (Chicky Starr) returns from working in America to renovate an old mansion and turn it into a hotel/B&B.


2. One Bad Apple by Sheila Connolly-the main character Meg is laid off as a financial planner. She goes to settle a house and apple orchard left to her mother. She instead decides to renovate the house and get the apple orchard up and running. Also while solving murders. I think that's two career changes :-)


3. Keep Calm and Carry a Big Drink (There's Cake in My Future #2) by Kim Gruenenfelder-the main character is Mel. She is about to lose her teaching job and eventually makes her way to stay with one of her best friends in Hawaii. She ends up loving working at his bar as a bartender. 


4. Out to Lunch by Stacey Ballis. The main character Jenna used to run a business with her best friend who has recently died. She is now not working and is dealing with her grief. She also has a douchebag financial planner she's seeing, but that is neither here nor there. By the end of the book she ends up doing catering for special events such as for comic book festivals, movie openings, etc. I think this counts since she was pretty 


5. Evening Stars (Blackberry Island #3) by Susan Mallery. The main character Nina ended up staying in her small town and becoming a nurse. By the end she realizes her dream of getting into medical school to become a doctor. 


Book:  If you can find a copy, read Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet.  Or read any book about a leader of a movement, nation, religion or large group, OR read a book with a green cover OR with a half moon on the cover.


Planned read is Across That Bridge: A Vision for Change and the Future of America by John Lewis.