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Mind Prey is a Little Hard to Read

Mind Prey  - John Sandford

Trigger warning for rape. 


"Night Prey" is a hard read to get through. A woman (Andi Manette) and her two daughters are kidnapped by a former patient of hers. It's a race against time for Lucas and his detectives to figure out where she is and save her before she and her daughters are killed. I have to say that the main reason why I gave this four stars is that it's a bit convoluted when you read how the man who kidnaps her was roped into the whole thing. It just seemed ridiculously complicated. I also love though how Manette in the end was instrumental in saving herself and the police were just more background players in this. 


"Night Prey" has a man who after kidnapping Andi Manette and her two daughters decides to play a game with Lucas Davenport when he realizes who he is. Lucas at this time has become pretty famous in the gaming community, and the unknown man wants to show Lucas that he is not as smart as he is. So it's a game of wits between the two men with Lucas coming every closer to capturing the bad guy. 

Andi Manette and her daughters are developed very well in this one. I often was cringing inside reading about what was happening with Andi and what she was doing to keep her daughters alive. We find out that she and her husband are having problems and even her partner in her psychiatry practice has something to hide. 


The writing was good, the flow was okay, I just felt at times that nothing was happening. We had Lucas and the police chasing after red herrings and it got old after a while.


The ending was changed based on an introduction from Sandford and I have to say thank goodness. It would have been grim.