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DNF at 25 Percent- A Map of Days is Mind-Numbing

A Map of Days - Ransom Riggs

Sigh. I just DNFed this at 25 percent. I wasn't enjoying the children in this one and following Jacob as he is crowned "The One" through a fourth book didn't sound like a good time to me.


I think that the last book ended perfectly and had the right message that life isn't fair. I thought it had a good logic behind Jacob following in his grandfather's steps with him not being able to say with the people he loved. I thought it was up there with "His Dark Materials" in showing children how life can be cruel sometimes. But Riggs ruins it with a handwave with somehow Miss Peregrine and the rest of the children being able to follow Jacob into his world. And then we have Jacob and a lot of the children acting like rebellious jerks. I just got sick of Jacob being rude and nasty and being jealous that Emma was in love with his grandfather. Also, can we talk about how weird that whole thing is??? 


I also thought that Riggs missed out on including Jacob's parents in this one. I think that could have made the story more exciting. Jacob is hostile and nasty to Miss Peregrine to the point I wish she had shaken him. And Jacob just wanting to be alone with Emma for kissing and something else just made me sigh. This book started to remind me of the worst parts of Harry Potter when the characters grow up and just become hormones. I am going to compare it to "His Dark Materials" again because to me that book showcased a young girl coming into her own and finding love. I thought it was more true about how many of us find our first love. I didn't feel any of that with Jacob and Emma. 


This book seems to be following more mysteries of what Jacob's grandfather was up to which...I just don't care anymore. Seriously. Just pick a new plot and move on to something else.

The pictures in this one felt more meh to me too which is sad. I remember the first book really incorporating the pictures and stories of the Peculiar much better. 


I skimmed ahead and read the ending and am glad I passed on finishing this one the whole way through. It just seems to set up another book and I am just not that excited about following this series anymore.