Government drone by day and book lover and geek girl by night!
Please note that I received this book via NetGalley. This did not affect my rating or review.
So this book ended up being a disappointment. I was all ready to read about a woman that is dealing with a separation and finding herself single after many years as part of a couple. Instead there were a whole host of other things happening in this book that in the end didn't work together for me. Most was the fact that the main character, Chloe Piper, has a social anxiety disorder that the author uses for plot purposes. Sometimes Chloe is okay around a group of people and other times she says no to things because of how she will react. We even get a scene of her "twerking" (DEAR WHITE PEOPLE STOP DOING THIS) and her friend and his daughter upload it via Instagram so that she can get used to people watching her. I was hiding my eyes in shame and I wasn't even the one doing things depicted in this book. The romance was lukewarm and the ending was meh.
"Suddenly Single" follows Chloe Piper as she settles herself and her dog into their new home. Chloe is dealing with the breakup of her marriage and how that has impacted her ability to write. Chloe is secretly a best selling author of one book that everyone has gone crazy for in the U.K. Now that her husband has left her for another woman, she feels like her creativity is gone. That is until Chloe starts to "have feelings" for her next door neighbor Alex and meets some new people in a singles meet up group.
So. Chloe. She was written inconsistently. We hear that Chloe didn't get over the death of her sister and parents so her shyness turned into something else which eventually led to her social anxiety disorder. But she ends up meeting her husband (after his persistence) and they managed to marry. Eventually her inability to be out among people drove a wedge and finally he leaves her. I was hoping the book would focus on this disorder and how hard it is for people out there with this. Instead Wyer decides to randomly have Chloe go out at one point, get drunk, and meet two people she has never laid eyes on before who end up talking her into going out with their group they created and has her start to meet people. Another reviewer mentioned she has social anxiety and she didn't like how this was written and I feel badly for her since she was hoping the book would touch upon the condition.
Chloe also decides she likes someone for reasons and then rejects other suitors because of reasons. It was all so wishy-washy I was over it. I actually liked another male character for Chloe because he knew about the disorder because his own mother had it. But nope, just go for the chemistry free zone character. It didn't help though when Chloe tries to use this as a reason to not date him. I maybe went, you were literally twerking on a freaking Instagram post! Why is going to a ball a freaking issue?
The other characters in this book were not developed at all. And it didn't help when Chloe's ex comes back at on the scene. I don't get at all what Wyer was doing with that.
The writing was okay and just meh in parts in my opinion. The flow was terrible throughout. Usually I like chapter headings to set the mood so to speak for the book, but I thought that too much was happening back to back every day.
The setting of Sunny Meadow Farm sounded interesting, but we really don't meet anyone but two other neighbors.
The ending shows an epilogue and I was just glad to put this book behind me.