Government drone by day and book lover and geek girl by night!
Well I enjoyed this one a lot. The main character was engaging and I loved the story-line of her having enough of being ghosted and treated terribly for her to go ahead and go 6 months without sex while dating. I thought the secondary characters were developed well, though I disliked her cousin Roxy. And the book in the end really did showcase how much time was being spent by her in obsessing over men and not focusing on what makes her happy. The ending was great and I was happy with the HEA we get.
"Only When It's Love" follows Alex. Alex works at a job that is not fulfilling her the way it used to and she's also fed up with falling for men that end up ghosting her. After being ghosted again she's at the end of her rope. Her new friend at work suggests she reads a book from a self-help guru that talks about how she can find true love in just seven steps. One of the steps though is no sex for six months. Alex loves sex and doesn't know if she can just stop just like that. And when she ends up dating two men that show her that they can be "the one" for her, she doesn't know if she will be able to keep up with all of the steps.
Alex made me feel for her. She's so self conscious and is trying so hard to be "the cool girl." Has long extensions in her hair cause men love long hair. Doesn't wear pants or jeans since men like women in dresses. Always wears heels. Ugh. I used to do this mess when I was younger too. Now I wear clothes for me and screw if some guy thinks I look good or not. If I feel good about myself that's all that matters. Anyway, Alex takes her friend Stacey's advise and finds herself really enjoying two men she meets, Miles and Luke. I really thought that Spring did a good job with developing both men and the secondary characters in the story. I can see why Alex is attracted to both of them.
I do have to say that the writing was really good, you know it's a contemporary novel based on the pop culture things mentioned. I thought the flow worked too. I do wish this had been a bit longer though. It felt a bit towards the end that Spring was rushing to the finish.
The ending was very hot and I loved it. We get to see who Alex chooses and I thought that it was a nice ending for this book.