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Abandoned by Booklikes

Government drone by day and book lover and geek girl by night!

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DNF at 10 Percent

They Thirst - Robert McCammon

I did not finish this at 10 percent. I got nothing to say besides the writing hurt my head. I either love Robert R. McCammon or I don't. This is definitely one of the ones I don't love. There is too much thrown out and none of it makes much sense. This is a shame though because the prologue was so freaking good. And then when it moves to LA I just started to feel overwhelmed. Since I only got up to 10 percent I can say that the characters are too many and the book should have just been vampires. Instead it just jumps around a lot and I had no idea what was going on.


These seem to be vampires as we have known them in older horror novels (Dracula) and not the Twilight and Discovery of Witches vampires. I still cannot get over vampire yoga. Seriously? So that part was good. I just thought that the writing was a bit much and I didn't have a character to really follow to anchor the story. This book read to me like "Swan Song" though with vampires which caused me to drop it quickly. 


I really could not deal with another long read this weekend (this is 531 pages) so gave up around page 55. I did skim to the end and woo boy, that ending was just odd. And also borrowed heavily from "The Stand." So now I get why other reviewers were complaining about.