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Abandoned by Booklikes

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The Sea of Monsters

The Sea of Monsters (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #2) - Rick Riordan

OMG so awesome! I do think there was a noticeable drag to parts of this book, but thought that Rick Riordan has done such a great job of moving Greek gods and goddesses we know into a modern setting with the threat of the Titans re-emerging to cause havoc.

I love Percy. He wants to fit in at school (as much as he can) but he loves Camp Half-Blood and his friends through thick and thin. I think that Riordan did a great job developing him in this one. And I loved the secondary characters too like Annabeth and Tyson. I also though that Riordan was clever with including cyclops into this one along with some guest appearances by some gods and also by a well known king who got rightly cursed by the gods.


I can't help it though, my only irritation was the book ending on a cliffhanger. I loathe that when reading. I think each story should stand alone and be done. It seems to always be something that YA authors do I think in order to keep the readers reading.