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Abandoned by Booklikes

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Grown Ups

Grown Ups - Marian Keyes

Please note that I received this via NetGalley. This did not affect my rating or review.

I honestly don't know what to say here. This did not read like contemporary Marian Keyes to me. The whole book was jumbled with too many characters and plots that it felt like I got a never ending story of a family I did not care about a whit. I also have to say that it's gross that we see two people in my eyes exploiting relationships with younger people in this one. I think that Keyes in some weird way was okay with the one relationship, and disgusted with the second. I thought they were both messed up. There also seems to be some discontent a bit here about eating disorders and I just don't know. The book as a whole had too much going on. 


"Grown Ups" follows the Casey family. We have Johnny Casey and his wife Jessica and their kids (I refuse to remember them all except for Ferdia). Ed Casey and his wife Cara and their two sons. And finally Liam Casey and his new wife Nell. The family is doing a get together at a posh hotel and then after Cara is injured and reveals some secrets the family is never the same. 


Unlike with previous Keyes books I didn't like one character. I mean, I was indifferent to Ed and Cara, but I outright disliked Jessica and loathed Liam and Nell. "The Brightest Star in the Sky" by Keyes followed a lot of people too, but it held together much better in my opinion than this.  

The book starts off with some of the reveals and then jumps back in time to weeks earlier and then to the present day and it just go so confusing after a while I started to give up trying to work things out. Since I had an ARC, there were a ton of typos and that made me tracking sentences and who was speaking problematic too. 


The ending...once again we only get a real resolution with one of the above couples, we can guess about the other two I suppose. But seriously this book read as unfinished. It definitely needed tighter editing. And the cast of characters needed trimmed down a lot.