Government drone by day and book lover and geek girl by night!
Wow. Not too much to say. Connolly breathes life into a detective story with the strong supernatural elements. I loved Charlie Parker and his quest for not only redemption, but to help the dead find peace.
“Dark Hollow” follows Charlie after the events of the first book. He found out who murdered his wife and daughter and is now in an in between state. Living in his grandfather’s home in Maine Charlie is trying to come to some sort of peace. However Charlie takes on a client looking to get some money from her dead beat ex. When the woman and her small son end up dead, Charlie starts investigating whether her ex had something to do with it. His current case gets wrapped up in a past case that haunted his grandfather.
Charlie is one of the best fictional characters I have read in some time. He walks alone now and thinks of the honeycomb world he inhabits. He thinks of his former lover Rachel (Every Dead Thing) but wonders if he’s meant to be happy. Having his friends Louis and Angel along for the ride in this one is great. I love that we have two people who will stand by him no matter what. The three of them make an unlikely group, but they work.
I loved how he tied together. I loved the atmospheric writing. And I loved the ending. That’s all I got.