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Abandoned by Booklikes

Government drone by day and book lover and geek girl by night!

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This Time Next Year
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A Princess in Theory: Reluctant Royals
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Burn for Me
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After I'm Gone
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The Black Angel
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The White Road

The White Road - John Connolly

Loved it! This book really sets the stage for me for this series. At this point the supernatural parts become much louder in my head. The link back to other cases here’s great too. We have a changed Angel (I can see why) and Charlie realizing that sometimes certain people just don’t deserve to live. I was at the seat of my pants during the ending, but it surprised me and makes me wonder what is next for Charlie and Rachel.


“The White Road” has Charlie being asked by an old friend to help him with a case involving a black boy being accused of the rape and murder of his white girlfriend. We find out that this case also links two families (one white and one black) that have had dark encounters with each other for centuries.


The Reverend is back in this one hell bent on making Charlie pay for the deaths of his two children. A new player is on the board and one wonders how this person can cause harm to Charlie.

Angel is forever changed by what happened to him in the last book. He and Louis seem to be finding their footing, but still love each other.


Charlie is preparing for the birth of his unborn child with Rachel, but still being called to that honeycomb world. The things he sees and feels definitely sit with you.


The writing per usual is pitch perfect. The flow works. I was on the edge of my seat towards the end. Once everything is revealed I went wow.


One know wonders what’s up next for Charlie.