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Abandoned by Booklikes

Government drone by day and book lover and geek girl by night!

Currently reading

This Time Next Year
Sophie Cousens
An Extraordinary Union
Alyssa Cole
A Princess in Theory: Reluctant Royals
Alyssa Cole
Burn for Me
Ilona Andrews
John Connolly
After I'm Gone
Laura Lippman
The Black Angel
John Connolly
The Ballad of Black Tom
Victor LaValle
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Social Distancing: Completion of Day 27

How is everyone doing?

I hope everyone is having a nice Saturday.


I am airing out my house right now (I like do that every couple of months) and doing laundry. I am also ignoring Junior as she pads around under my chair trying to get me to pet her.


My friend came over with her little girls and they played on the lawn while we all stayed 6 feet away from each other. They dropped off a puzzle which is for "readers." I love it. I can't wait to get started on that.


I am really missing hiking right now, but since Northern VA has closed all of the parks and keeps giving out warnings because people don't understand social distancing rules and also leave garbage and park on people's property, I think the police are finally issuing fines.


It's a warm Saturday here in Alexandria and I will go for a walk around my neighborhood later. And finish up my books. 


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