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Abandoned by Booklikes

Government drone by day and book lover and geek girl by night!

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This Time Next Year
Sophie Cousens
An Extraordinary Union
Alyssa Cole
A Princess in Theory: Reluctant Royals
Alyssa Cole
Burn for Me
Ilona Andrews
John Connolly
After I'm Gone
Laura Lippman
The Black Angel
John Connolly
The Ballad of Black Tom
Victor LaValle
Progress: 100 %
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Reading progress update: I've read 41%.

A Most Wicked Conspiracy: The Last Great Swindle of the Gilded Age - Paul Starobin

I am at chapter 14. This is still dry. I think it’s because I don’t care about claim jumping or the legal fallout from said jumping. I would think I would be in heaven. Historical nonfiction getting into the 1900s in Nome, Alaska and instead I’m yawning through this.