Government drone by day and book lover and geek girl by night!
Not too much to say, typical Spalding. Parts were really funny and parts of it were really draggy. I liked the overall premise, Andy is told by his doctor he needs a tech detox because of some medical issues he is having, and shenanigans occur.
I ultimately wish that the book had actually moved more into a direction of Andy's other interests (he started reading and walking more) instead of him acting like an ass because he couldn't look up what stars were up to via Instagram. I think that a lot of people take social media breaks. I have done so before and it honestly helps. When you read nothing but terrible news and people's perfect lives via social media it is going to skew your perspective. Spalding danced near that with Andy finding about a real life person he was following, but Spalding played it for laughs instead of actually pointing out how everyone does this.
Loved the Easter eggs to other books that he has written and I think this one's ending worked a lot better than the last book of his I read "Dumped, Actually."