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Abandoned by Booklikes

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Sorry I Missed You

Sorry I Missed You - Suzy Krause

Well I read this as part of Amazon's "First Reads" and it's been a while since I took advantage of that ability to read a book for free. I wish that I had liked this one better, but honestly this wasn't very good. Two of the characters (Maude and Sunna) were pretty awful. The other character, Mackenzie, is the only one I wanted to know more about due to the background on her character and the tragedy that unfolded when she was a teen. I think the author tried to discuss a topic that has been in the mainstream for a couple of years now (ghosting and the repercussions of it) and just made it nonsensical with too many points of view (besides these three we also get the landlord Larry) and then the ending which left me feeling flat. There were too many things left unresolved.


"Sorry I Missed You" follows three women (Mackenzie, Maude, and Sunna) who move into a home turned apartments. The story starts off showing a quick vignette of the three women at different points of their lives when a person that they were close to, they ended up not speaking to again. Then the story jumps forward to a man named Larry who inherits his deceased aunt's home with a lot of stipulations about how he can about living there. Larry, annoyed (rightfully) decides to turn the house into stand alone apartments and rents out the former basement, first floor and second floor. When a letter arrives at the address that is near illegible except for the person saying they will stop by a nearby coffee shop, all three women think about how the letter could be for them. Krause sets things up by allowing readers to know what person "ghosted" the women, but they keep that information from each other for a while.


The book bops around to all four of these characters who are dealing with seeking "closure" from the people who have ghosted them along with a police investigation into a bomb threat, ghosts that apparently haunt the house, and fall out from trying to move on.

I already said I didn't care for Sunna or Maude. Sorry, they both are really awful. Maude I disliked throughout the book because of how she spoke to everyone and how she went about "investigating" something Mackenzie asked her not to. Sunna I didn't care for since I still don't think the writer had the character acknowledge why she got ghosted and that she seemed to be well on the way of being another Maude. Mackenzie's story was heart-breaking, but I still felt underwhelmed about it since we don't get to see her having a true resolution with her parents. Larry was a mess.


I have to say I immediately guessed at the letter writer in this story and it took forever for that to get worked out. I really don't know what else to say here except that the flow wasn't very good, the story jumped around too much and the reveal at the end was not amusing to me. Instead it made me roll my eyes.