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Abandoned by Booklikes

Government drone by day and book lover and geek girl by night!

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Reading progress update: I've read 100%.

One Good Turn - Kate Atkinson

I don't know if I liked this book or was appalled by it. A little bit of both.


This was a confusing mishmash of characters and the book takes forever to get going.


Jackson and Julia are toxic as anything. There's a scene we get via Jackson and we learn about him and Julia and I just wanted to scream and drop the book right there. Also I don't even know what to say about Jackson. Or we supposed to feel sorry for him due to his sister or brother? Cause he sucks a lot I realized. And he really didn't investigate much in this one, just had remarkable coincidences happening. 


Louise (inspector) was more interesting than Jackson and her interest in him didn't even seem believable. 


Good lord, Martin. I just....I am going to need to sit and think on him a bit.


Gloria is also as terrible as her husband Graham I have to say. I just think it's hilarious she doesn't realize it. Or maybe she does when you get to that ending. 


The writing was eh and the flow was so bad that I started to just want something to happen. And then there's just plot holes left unaddressed by the end of this book.


I needed a yarn wall at the 60 percent mark because seeing how everything and everyone was linked was a lot and I started to think the whole thing was just ridiculous after a while.